Vitamin A for Acne

Acne is a condition that causes the occurrence of pimples or skin lesions. It is a consequence of the skin’s oil glands creating too much of an oil substance known as sebum; resulting in plugged pores. Aside from this, a rapid production of bacteria can be also be a primary cause of acne.

Acne lesions normally occur on the face, shoulders, chest, and back. It is the most common skin disease, this especially is so in teenagers and young adults. Although acne is not considered as a serious health threat, it can still lead to permanent and disfiguring scarring.

Most young adults – both men and women – experience having at least a couple of pimples at some point of their lives. However, acne can affect individuals in different ways. For example, acne in young women is linked to hormonal changes such as in menstrual cycle and tends to be more random. Acne in young men is generally a more serious form than in women.

Many factors can trigger acne, these include:

  1. Hormonal changes during puberty.
  2. Hormonal changes as an adult.
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Make-up
  5. Medicines
  6. Family History
  7. Pressure on the skin

Heat and moisture can also aggravate acne, as does the kind of diet a person has. To help both prevention and to treat the condition it is important to conduct a healthy regimen of skin care, such as washing one’s face twice daily using a gentle and non-abrasive soap that can thoroughly clean the skin. Avoid using creams and heavy cosmetics as these may trigger the occurrence of acne.

Vitamin A for Acne Treatment

Vitamin A, an essential nutrient found in several foods, can help control the development of epithelial cells, which are part of the skin’s component; lining all the body’s mucosal membranes. It is also vital in the keratinization process, wherein the epidermis matures and migrates into the stratum corneum. The derivatives of vitamin A are thought to be important in the treatment of acne.

Although the natural sources of vitamin A are not therapeutic, it is still responsible in keeping the skin’s normal maturation and therefore a Vitamin A for Acne treatments is commonly used.  In order to cure acne and other abnormal processes in the body, large doses need to be given. Therefore, health experts suggest that an individual should have proper consultation first with their own doctor in order to determine as to whether or not such treatment is needed. This is because vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and large doses can lead to vitamin A toxicity.

The vitamin A acid, commonly referred to as retinoic acid, Retin-A or tretinoin, is basically a derivative from of Retin-A, which is highly active in skin. Accutane and other water-soluble derivatives of vitamin A can be given in very high doses systemically, with lower risks of toxicity. However, since Accutane has some serious side effects, one should be under a physician’s care before undergoing a course of Accutane.

References and Further Reading

UHS: Student Health; Womens Health.