Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is vital in the body as it helps in the formation and maintenance of healthy skin, skeletal and soft tissue, teeth, skin, and mucus membranes.

Vitamin A can also be referred to by the alternate name of retinol; named due to the fact that it produces pigments in the eye’s retina. Retinol promotes good vision especially in places with low light. It is also needed in breast-feeding and reproduction.

Aside from the above mentioned health benefits of vitamin A, there are several other assistances that retinol can provide the body. Retinol is an active form of vitamin A, which is mostly found in whole milk, animal liver, and certain fortified foods.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin wherein excess intake can lead to toxicity. However, when taken in proper dosages, several health benefits can be provided.

Vitamin A Carotenoids

Carotenoids are dark colored pigments found in plant foods that can be converted into vitamin A. Numerous carotenoids are known, particularly around 500 of them, but one of the most common carotenoids is beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is a type of antioxidant, responsible in protecting the cells from the harmful damages caused by free radicals. Free radicals are known to play a role in the aging process as well as in certain chronic diseases. Studies have shown that high intake of food sources of beta-carotene and other carotenoids can help reduce the risk for cancer. However, supplements with beta-carotene do not seem to help reduce cancer risk.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is commonly known for its significance in eye care, and it is useful in alleviating certain eye complaints. It also helps the body in maintaining regular visualization by supporting the eyes to adjust from bright light to darkness. Other benefits of vitamin A include aiding the body in fighting against flu, colds and other types of infections.  Aside from that, it can also help the immune system fight against lung cancer and breast cancer. Not only can vitamin A help the body by promoting good vision, as this fat-soluble vitamin aids in treating various skin infections and disorders. Studies have shown that it can also help heal burns, wounds and ulcers. It is recently used in treating psoriasis, and the use of vitamin A for acne is very popular.

Vitamin A, as an antioxidant, helps in delaying aging, as skin wrinkling can be delayed.

Other benefits of vitamin A include enhancing the effectiveness of chemotherapy forpatients with cancer and can also help in speeding up the recovery of individuals who are suffering from stroke.

Vitamin A is said to reduce asthma attacks in patients and was also proven to improve the ability of insulin to control the body’s blood sugar level. Women who are suffering from prolonged menstrual periods or heavy menstrual periods might be suffering from the deficiency of vitamin A.

Benefits of Vitamin A References And Further Reading